Port Clinton FLIP Is Ready For Action

City of Port Clinton Spring Community Clean-up Day
April 1, 2024

Port Clinton FLIP Is Ready For Action


For Immediate Release

Date: May 10, 2024

Contact: Tracy Colston & Doug Nusser: 419-734-5522

City officials, representatives of Kleinfelder of Bowling Green and prospective contractors gathered on Thursday, May 9th at 11:00 am in Port Clinton City Council Chambers for the long awaited bid opening for the Forward Looking Infrastructure Project (F.L.I.P.) Plan A / Phase 1 paving project. 

According to Doug Nusser, Port Clinton Special Projects Coordinator and former Project Manager at Kleinfelder; “FLIP is comprised of nine projects and more than a dozen of funding sources.  Plan A / Phase 1 is the second of these projects to go out for bid and will involve approximately $4.3M of paving primarily in the western end of the City.”

“Best case scenario is we are moving asphalt sometime this summer,” said Safety Service Director Tracy Colston.  Mr. Colston continued “Kleinfelder will be checking the math and other specifics of the bids received and then they will deliver the apparent low bid package to the USDA for final authorization.  The USDA has between 30 and 60 days to give construction authorization.”

In mid-April the Lakeshore Drive sidewalks and enhanced cross walk portion of FLIP was awarded to Perram Electric, Inc.

Mayor Snider is optimistic about where FLIP is today and were it will be going over the next several months and years.  “It’s been a long time coming!  Five of us met in the City Hall Conference Room on my second day as Mayor back in March 2019 to discuss the concept of FLIP.  Several community discussions, dozens of pieces of legislation went before City Council for consideration and hundreds of meetings and decisions at City Hall got us to this point.  I’m so very thankful for everyone who has played a role in FLIP.  This process hasn’t been easy.  If it were it would have been undertaken decades ago.  Now, understand, we’re certainly are not done, but we’ve just taken a very large leap forward for the community.”